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How To Look Amazing Like Elfira Loy With This Hijab Style - Hijab Friday

October 05, 2017

How To Look Amazing Like Elfira Loy With This Hijab Style - Hijab Friday

Hi Zolace Fans! Welcome to another edition of Hijab Fridays. This week we are going to be creating a hijab style that is inspired by the one and only Elfira Loy. She's a huge star in Malaysia and by recreating this look, you can feel like a star too!


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Video Transcription


Hi Zolace Fans! Welcome to another edition of Hijab Fridays. This week we are going to be creating a hijab style that is inspired by the one and only Elfira Loy. She's a huge star in Malaysia and by recreating this look, you can feel like a star too! This look is perfect for attending functions where you need to add a bit of 'pop' to your style-- it can liven up any outfit!

This look might require a few tries to get right, but don't worry, if you practice it enough, you'll have it down just in time to welcome in the Raya celebration! For today's tutorial you will need your Zehna Chiffon Rectangle Shawl, with 2 brooches and 4 pins. Let's get started!

Step 1: Place the shawl over you


Take your shawl and place it over you with the top coming to the edge of your forehead. Take the front edge and run it along the sides of your face to the back where you can secure it with a brooch. Gently pin down the shawl to each side of your face.

Step 2: Bring your shawl all the way around you


Take the shawl and bring it all the way around you onto your left side. Take the bottom edge and twist it slightly and bring it over and around the back of your head to your right side. Pin it in place.

Step 3: Keep twisting the fabric and keep it nice and even


Keep twisting the fabric on your left side. Make sure to keep it nice and even, adjusting as you go. A lot of twisting like this is easiest if you use a lightweight and soft fabric. If your shawl is too thick and hard, it won't look the best.

Step 4: Twist until you've got just enough fabric to cover your front


Twist until you've got just enough fabric to cover your front. This is a great look that can give you full coverage. You just have to make sure your scarf is wide enough, that's why the Zehna Chiffon Rectangle Shawl is ideal for this.

Step 5: Take the top edge and pin it with a brooch


Take the top edge now and pin it with a brooch right in front of your left ear. Take the bottom edge and bring it across you to pin up by your right ear. You can choose to leave it as it is, or gently swirl the rest of the fabric behind your right shoulder. Make any small adjustments so the front drapes beautifully. And that's it, you're done!

Final Style


You can choose to leave it as it is, or gently swirl the rest of the fabric behind your right shoulder. Make any small adjustments so the front drapes beautifully. And that's it, you're done!

Pair it with

You can match this lovely Zehna Chiffon Rectangle Shawl with any plain outfit to balance out how elaborate this hijab style is. It'd be perfect if you tried matching it with the Timeless Temptation Tunic! Alright everyone, leave us a comment below of ways you like to style your Zehna Chiffon Rectangle Shawl , or, any questions you have.

We love hearing from you- so let us know if you gave today's look a try! Don't forget to subscribe and we'll look forward to catching up with you again next week for another edition of Hijab Fridays. See ya!

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